About Sam

The different music and sounds that Sam surrounds himself with have always been an integral part of his psyche. One of his guiding principles is to always incorporate and fuse new ideas, genres, and traditions into his life, work and art.

He spent most of his youth living and traveling overseas as the child of a foreign service officer. He lived in Conakry, Guinea, Pretoria, South Africa and in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, before moving back to the Buffalo, NY area to complete secondary education. Living among and experiencing a myriad of cultures and how they fit together was what informed his deep reverence for the ability of a diverse, often even conflicted, array of ideas to merge, creating something accepted and appreciated by a greater sum than its parts. Sam firmly believes this transcendental ability is nowhere better exemplified and appreciated by humanity than through music.

Sam primarily plays guitar, piano, and bass. He also tries to sing and drum on occasion, often time, much to his own chagrin. He engineers, produces, mixes, and masters as much as he possibly can across any genre. It is his life’s passion to help facilitate artists’ realization and recording process with the utmost quality possible. He is currently based in Nashville, Tennessee.

Sam’s tragically failed career as an elephant c.2004

Sam’s tragically failed career as an elephant c.2004